Watershed Science

What is Watershed Science?

Watershed Science is the study of terrestrial (land), aquatic (water), and riparian (where land meets water) ecosystems. Watershed science also includes humans and their interactions with these ecosystems—namely, human behaviors that affect water quality, either directly or indirectly.

The Watershed Science Program is a highlight of my 4th graders’ year. The Friends’ approach and hands-on lessons are very effective.

Watershed Field Experiences

A cornerstone of the Friends’ educational programs, the Watershed Science Program is available to schools within the Cobbossee Watershed, free of charge. Our array of lessons bring environmentally-relevant issues to the classroom through hands-on activities. Whether you are looking for multiple visits, or a one-time “splash” of watershed science, the Friends are ready to assist!

For more information on the Watershed Science Program, and to schedule a lesson for your school, please contact us.

For more information contact: cami@watershedfriends.com.

Meet our Watershed Science Sponsor

Meet the local businesses whose generosity enables the Friends to continue on our mission.
Hasenfus Family Dental
Major Sponsor

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