Aquatic Invasive Plants Guide
Variable Leaf Milfoil
Variable leaf milfoil is an aggressive invasive plant that was found in 2014 near the boat launch in Lake Annabessacook. It is imperative to take quick action against variable milfoil because it spreads quickly, forms thick mats, and is highly difficult to eradicate once established. It has no natural predators to control its population.

Eurasian Water Milfoil
Eurasian water milfoil is an invasive aquatic plant that has recently been spotted in the northern end of Cobbossee Lake. Due to its particularly aggressive nature, it is imperative that this outbreak be taken care of immediately. Much like variable leaf milfoil, eurasian water milfoil is highly difficult to eradicate once established.

European Frogbit
European frogbit is an aggressive invasive plant that was recently found on the north end of Lake Cobbossee. During summer months, European frogbit produces a white flower with three petals and a yellow center. It obstructs native plants from receiving sunlight, and deprives nearby water of oxygen that fish need to survive.
Additional Resources
Plant Identification Sheet
PDF provided by Lake Stewards of Maine