Aquatic Invasive Species Control

Invasive Aquatic Plant Control

Benthic barriers, hand-pulling, and Diver Assisted Suction Harvester (DASH) are all strategies used to combat invasive aquatic plant infestations.

The Friends plant control team is comprised of specially trained staff who deploy benthic barriers (mats used to smother invasive aquatic plants), and use hand-pulling techniques to combat invasive aquatic plants once they are found. In addition, the Friends hires a contractor to bring their Diver Assisted Suction Harvester (DASH) in areas where there are more significant infestations.

The Friends have a new DIY Plant Control Program

In an effort to expand control and limit the spread of invasive variable-leaf milfoil, we are launching a "DIY Plant Control Program" for Pleasant Pond and Cobbossee Stream.

This program provides opportunities for shorefront property owners on Pleasant Pond and Cobbossee Stream to access training and resources for the proper removal and disposal of variable-leaf milfoil.

More Information

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